Dynamic Light and Shadow Photography

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First Post


When we set this site up we thought it important to be able to have an individual blog page and this is my first posting to my very own blog page. Though not a familiar environment for me I hope that as I slowly get to grips with posting a blog the content will grow and allow me to share my news and thoughts in an interesting way.

I thought for this first posting that I would talk about how I am managing the transition into the world of full frame photography.

At the beginning of this year I decided after being very happy and comfortable with the results I was achieving with my Pentax K5 mark II camera and standard lenses it was about time that I step up from APSC format into full frame and duly invested in the Pentax K1. Even though I bought it when just two months prior to the newer Mark II was released ( how things normally work out for me ) I was not unduly concerned that I missed out on the upgraded model by just a couple of months and didn't think the extra investment of sending it away to be upgraded was worth the expense for the extra features. Along with the camera I also invested in a professional lens and acquired a Pentax DFA 24mm to 70mm f2.8 ED Lens. Quite the beast!

This was my one of my very first images out of the camera which was something I found in the corner of a field I was working in. I managed to get it home in one piece and set about working out the best way I can to test my camera and lens in a studio environment. I was Impressed and have been busy whenever I could to acquire the skills to master the camera and lens. 

Anyhow, I hope you like our platform and hope to post again soon.
